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Powerlifting Meet

Blueprint of Strength

Online Powerlifting Coaching.

Committed to coaching you as a whole.

Powerlifing Meet

The Complete Package.

From beginners to national-level powerlifters; and from athletes who can't seem to get training right to busy working professionals with families, we've seen it all. We pride ourselves on being able to build a coach-to-athlete relationship and solve all those seemingly unsolvable problems. After all, coaching revolves around problem-solving and relationship building. We figure out the perfect training protocol for athletes who might be further from the norm, intermediate athletes who respond well to training, and athletes who may not respond as well to training. We are committed to coaching the athlete as a whole and we want you to learn healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

We ensure your programming for strength & nutrition is best suited to your needs. We review your lifting videos daily for any technical improvements we can make. When needed, we add mobility training to keep the athlete progressing and overall healthy. We tackle your nutrition needs using simple & effective techniques to ensure you reach your goals. To make sure you're never going into training with questions, your coach can be reached 24/7. Our blueprint for strength includes everything you can think of to make our athletes better.



Powerlifting Coaching


Nutrition Coaching


Online Powerlifting Coaching

What You Get:

Customized Programming

24/7 Communication with your Coach

Weekly Program Updates

Nutrition Programming

Long-Term Planning

Weekly Check-Ins

Technique Checks & Adjustments

Nutrition Guidance

But Wait, There's More!

If you live in the Greater Toronto Area, you have to check out our Team Training add-on below.

Team Training Session


Team Training.

This is the perfect add-on for athletes who want to be a part of our community or want a more hands-on approach to learning, as your coach will attend the team training sessions to answer any questions or concerns the athlete may have. Our team training sessions happen four times a week for 3 hours. Below is a list of what this add-on offers:

  • In-person team coaching 4x per week

  • Team Training Sessions

  • Team Events

  • Free Seminars

*Add-on is only available to athletes in the Greater Toronto Area.

Team Training Session
Weight Plates on Floor

The Sign Up Process.

We always start with a new client form to allow us to get to know the necessary information for us to help you in the best way possible. After that, we want to get to know you better, so we do that either through a call, video call, or in-person meeting. We want to meet you and get to know your journey. What are your goals? Do you plan on competing? How'd you get into lifting? What's your ideal schedule and how can we make this the best training approach you've ever had?

After we get to know you better, we build your strength & nutrition program from the ground up and send it to you. Our goal is to make you the best possible athlete you can be so, if you have any questions about the approach, programming, etc. let us know!



So are we! Let's take the next steps towards improving your best technique and moving your biggest weights with ease.

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