Your diet is no different from your training, you are going to accumulate some sort of fatigue. Some of its physical and some of it will be mental.
So, when is it appropriate for us to take a little bit of a break in our diet? If you know me, I've always preached about not dieting for too long.
Lengthy diets or prolonged deficits can be a problem.
Your body does not and will not tolerate you pushing it too hard without consequences just like if you were to over-train your body physically.
So when is it appropriate to take a break in your diet and how long should these be? First of all, let’s analyze the physical and mental signs. If you’re feeling your energy is getting too low or your overall productivity isn’t good then definitely consider a diet break. If you feel like you’re going crazy and thinking about food way too much in an unhealthy fashion, this is also a great sign that a break needs to occur.
The length of these breaks are very dependent on the individual. They could last anywhere from one week to potentially a month. The rule of thumb for this is to try not to dig yourself into a huge fatigue hole, the lower you are in this hole the harder it will be for you to get out of it.
Hope this helps you guys understand how to diet a little bit better and remember to get this deficit over with so you can resume a fun and enjoyable life as soon as possible.
As always, I’m here to answer any questions you may have! See you guys on the next one.