Hey Coach Risley here, you’re probably wondering if you have good form on your lifts. I’m here to teach you how to personally identify this yourself today.
Firstly let’s address the main identification of your technique, what is the purpose of this movement and why are you doing it? Is it strength, hypertrophy, athletics, or longevity? While all of these overlap each other they do have distinct differences on each of them that will change the way you perform something.
The second identification of your technique is comfortability. Are you comfortable doing the movement you are now? If not then maybe it’s time we start changing a few things so we can either get comfortable or find a new position altogether.
Lastly is this position strong and stable? Your body has a funny way of communicating with you when you’re not in a strong position because power leaks will occur to revert you into a stronger position. If you think you’re not strong and stable maybe experimenting with positions, widths, and stances that are better suited for your anatomy may do the trick.
I bet these 3 steps may have brought up more questions than they answered. Good! Growth and optimization come from thinking, just remember and take this advice with a grain of salt. Technique growth occurs over time, not within one session, so don’t stress over it. Take your time and slowly develop what you can truly identify as good form.
As always I’m here to answer questions and chat when needed. See you next week 👊