Have you ever wondered if the advice you’re seeing, hearing, or listening to is actually valid and applicable to you?
I sure hope you do. As athletes, I think it’s a very important skill for us to not take surface level advice, and be in the mentality of “I’m just gonna listen to whatever coach tells me to do” or whoever this person of authority is online.
Here’s what real advice sounds like. Normally, it’s very interactive and makes you think a little bit. This means that anything that sounds very extreme or one-sided is probably not the greatest advice. Real advice and information use words like: probably, maybe, it might, and other words of uncertainty.
It’s kind of ironic. If you think about it, real advice would actually sound less confident than fake advice would. This is because in the real world, there is no answer that has a one size fits all approach. I've said this time and time again, that everyone is a little bit different and requires a little bit of a different approach.
The next time you see advice online make sure you think about these things, so you can build the courage to decide if this newly found information is something that’s right for you.
As always, I’m here to chat, and I hope you guys make better decisions! See you all next week.