Coach here! I’m going to give it how it is because I want what’s best for you, not mine or any other influencer's pockets for that matter.
So which one is better? The truth is there’s no magic to programming, a newly written program designed for you is not much better than a random template you can find on the internet. Know why? it’s because not only are we very adaptive individuals but I’m willing to bet that no one is able to create a perfect program for you at the beginning of your coach-athlete relationship. It takes time to get to know someone, sometimes months or even years invested in this relationship to create a harmonious synergy.
If you’re someone that is very curious and likes to find out things on your own while having a very rational decision on what needs to be done for progress to be made, then try out an online template! Naturally, as this type of person, you can be critical and make adjustments in areas that need to be made. That being said here’s where a coach can become handy.
A coach is your best friend in fitness, they listen to you and give constructive criticism. Not only that but they are time savers, making you do less thinking so you can prioritize other areas of your life.
This being said make sure you communicate with your coach. They are only human too so if you aren’t clear with your thoughts they can only do so much to continue creating this harmonious synergy.
Hope this helps you understand what you currently need right now. Sometimes we need guidance right away and other times we just like to trial and error on our own for a bit. Whatever you decide, make sure to always continue to progress!
As always I’m here to talk and I will see you all next week.