Coach Risley here, and this week is all about understanding cadence. Learning how to effectively utilize the time you are under load can hugely assist your performance in the gym.
Strength is all about moving the weights efficiently as fast as you can. Hypertrophy is all about lengthening your muscles under load with control to do micro damage resulting in growth.
The cadence of hypertrophy is largely emphasized on the eccentric portion of the movement. Slower is not necessarily better but a general guideline could be a 3:1:0 or just making sure you can control the load. This usually results in the best stimulus-to-fatigue ratio thus being very effective. Will Smith here may not have the best range of motion for his bicep curls but he's great at controlling the load.
The cadence of strength largely depends on your muscle type and leverage. Since performance is the goal here, we would ideally like to move the weight from point A to B as fast as possible. Your current technique will have a certain amount of variables to it that may throw it off, the more uncertainty there is the slower you may have to go but the more certainty there is the faster you can go since control over the movement is high.
There you have it, this is the appropriate time under tension for your specific movement selections. Give your movements some thought and see if you can optimize anything.
As always I’m here to help, send me a message if you have any questions about your performance goals.