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Training With Pain: Should You Even Go To The Gym?

Risley Tang

TLDR: you should always try to do whatever you can and move, training through injury while managing the pain is often your fastest route to recovery.

Hey, Coach Risley here! Today, I’m gonna talk about training with pain during the session. Movement is the solution and here’s a scenario to help you understand key information you need to do to succeed:


Lower Back Injury:

This is when anything that requires hip hinging or excessive lumbar flexion is just not comfortable for you.

Ok no problem, just start by doing some upper body training for a few workouts or until you can do normal day-to-day movements with under a 4/10 discomfort level.

Once you have been able to do daily movements under a 4/10 discomfort level it’s time to explore further. Try movements that will require a small degree of hip hinging and lumbar flexion and again see if you can keep the discomfort under a 4/10. Rinse and repeat with more complex movements until you can return to your pre-injury strength and slowly become pain-free and stronger than ever.

This process is always easier said than done but with a little consistency and a clear road map, you can do it!

As always feel free to reach out if you need advice on your goals!

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