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What Type of Training Personality/Level are you?

Risley Tang

Hey! Coach Risley here, the goal this week is to find out which training personality you are. Keep in mind, each type comes with its own strengths and weaknesses so, the purpose of today is to make you better.

Type 1: “The Casual Exerciser

This person has a basic understanding that we need regular movement to stay healthy. This type usually lacks consistency in the gym and typically also lacks structure or any concrete goals. A great way for this type to work on improving themselves is by asking if they had the courage to show up already, why not create a solid structure and purpose to it as well?

Type 2: “The Beginner

This person is fairly new to training and has found a love for it. You can say the gym is a part of them now and it means a lot to them. This type is usually confused, they have structure and goals but lack the proper information, a lot of the time due to the vast variability of knowledge out there. Is it calisthenics? Bodybuilding? Powerlifting? Running? Or even subcategories within a sport/activity. The point is they want to do everything but often end up doing sub-optimal work. This type should focus on what’s really important for them currently and spend a period of time on improving one aspect of training instead of becoming a jack of all trades to see long-term growth.

Type 3: “The Intermediate

This person has found their niche! Training's going well and they are learning the discipline it takes to become good at what they do. This type usually thinks they have the system mastered but realistically it could be the opposite. There’s a saying, “The more we know, the less we really know”. Well, type 3 personalities can be the types that haven’t encountered this dilemma yet. This type will most certainly encounter bigger and bigger plateaus and realize the same formula may not work anymore, it’s time to explore and discover yourself further just to see how complex of an athlete you are.

Type 4: “The Advanced

This person has become the master. They know what they need and what they don’t need for success, spending countless hours understanding themselves to become great at what they do. Sounds like the perfect avatar for fitness right? Well, you’re almost correct. There are still a few things this type of person can work on. The plateau curve of progress is becoming extremely flat at this point and nothing seems to do much at this point, what is the goal now? Don’t let this be the end of you advanced people! Maintenance of your abilities can be a beautiful thing if you accept it, and while you work on keeping your capabilities, you can always continue to explore further in other realms of fitness that interest you.

So, what type of training personality are you? What steps can you take to further your fitness journey? Let us know through our social media or website if you need any help or have any questions about furthering your training journey!

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